I love to visit Madras

  • To feel at home.
  • To step out of the airport to smell idli/ vada and sambar; to wonder if I am over-reacting and to realize that some family is invariably having idli/ vada and sambar in a corner of the arrival lounge.
  • To get on to 21G bus wearing my "I love NY" t-shirt, with a couple of large suit-cases; to extend Rs. 500 bill for a Rs. 10 ticket and be tempted to say - "Keep the change!".
  • To be the only guy to sweat in the bus during "Madras winter" evening.
  • To reach home only to be scolded for the "stupidity" of carrying huge luggage in the crowded public transport.
  • To bear hug my parents and sister.
  • To tell them all the NY stories and reasons for me growing "thin".
  • To get pampered unnecessarily for the imaginary "hardships" I am having to undergo in NY.
  • To go out to a store at 9PM and find the city already sleeping.
  • To be able to roam around in a shabby t-shirt, jeans and a slipper without feeling odd.
  • To be able to sit between an executive and a poor man in MRTS.
  • To catch people's attention with my SLR and tripod and get accosted for a picture.
  • To get caught for photographing "restricted areas" and get away claiming to be a journalist.
  • To do this with a courage that the fine is not a lot compared to a museum entry in NY.
  • To complain 25C to be uncomfortably warm and dream about the cooler weather in NYC.
  • While doing so, to be shouted, "Kayide, Kasmalam, veettula soltu vandiya" (Popular Madras slang for "watch out asshole") by a traffic rule abusing autowala, for letting his three wheeler bump into me.
  • To stand in non-existent queues and move backwards with time.
  • To discuss inflation and its effect on a common man with the mama in Karpagambal mess.
  • To discuss the dilution of culture due to western influence and IT companies with the gurukkal of temples.
  • To meet school friends and listen to their stories; especially their love life.
  • To feel like an ass to be living in the US missing all the fun.
  • Finally, to realize that this list can go on and on and on; that I should get back to reality and prepare to leave to NY.


  1. to extend Rs. 500 bill and be tempted to say "Keep the change!"

    -- Oh wow! How could you resist such a temptation? :p

  2. Don't expect me to make you that offer :-).

  3. To get pampered unnecessarily for the imaginary "hardships" I am having to undergo in NY

    is the best!!


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