Who should be my next Prime minister?

I am one of those (read many) Indians who don't know what is the manifesto of any national party, confused about whom to support and hence I am politically neutral.

Though election in India is a humongous strain on our insufficient resources, we have been performing this democratic ritual "religiously" (pun intended). It gives the government a necessity to analyze and cater to the needs of the public. More importantly, it gives the public an opportunity to replace the failed government with a party with most appealing vision and manifesto.

At the end of a unsatisfactory governance by the UPA, I need to decide whom to hand over the responsibility of the next government. There are three possibilities: the incumbent Congress-led UPA, BJP-led NDA and UNPA. Of these, UNPA is a conglomeration of regional parties who are confused about their loyalties. They are bonded more by the force of animosity with UPA/NDA rather than their own ideologies. To state the truth, each member has an agenda specific to their own state/region and are clueless about the rest of the country. This is not a good news for a voter because the entire country is not represented in this team of regionals. Secondly, in the event of clash of interests, this alliance is bound to break, giving rise to chaos, possibilities of hung parliament and hence political instability.

Next alternative is the BJP-led NDA with their Hindutva agenda. They keep promising a Hindu temple in Ayodhya as if that is going to assuage a poor man's hunger (are they talking about free prasadam?). The media has drawn an interpretation of communalism from every action and inaction of theirs, thus making every other party "secular". Their leaders constantly attack the incumbent government on poor internal security while their term itself was stained by major terrorist attacks albeit less frequent. They opposed the nuclear deal with US, an idea proposed in their term.

That leaves us with the last option of UPA. Let alone the problems of inefficiency, incapability and corruption, common to any government, the leaders are not even inspiring. Their poster boy is as inspiring as a Sam Anderson movie. My sympathies are with the current Prime Minister, respected for his revolutionary economic ideas in the last decade of 20th century. They had a totally irresponsible Home minister, a failed finance minister and perhaps to clean the financial mess, Finance Minister was given charge of home ministry. I seriously doubt if a poorer choice for Indian President could have been made. At the helm of all these social experiments is a much improved, yet uninspiring Italian-Indian Politician.

Having exhausted all the possibilities, I am back to my first question. Dealing with the real issues of today, the above mentioned points do not really matter. In mudslinging and accusations, the parties are wasting their resources in defending themselves rather than the country. The homework before elections should include research about quality of primary education, public health, infrastructure, security and so on instead of opponent's weakness and strongholds. We have had enough unjustified claims like Secualar-Congress and NDA for development. It is time that any such claim is substantiated to the intelligent public. We should have grilling question hours of every deserving and undeserving prime-minister hopeful on a live TV Show, the result of which will be conveyed to them through elections. I see this happening in the near future. Till then, please tell me who should be my next prime-minister.


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